Mindset Matters: Peering Into The Future Of Corporate Health And Wellness (Part I) - Forbes - Gut Wash


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Mindset Matters: Peering Into The Future Of Corporate Health And Wellness (Part I) - Forbes


The corporate landscape is once again making a pivot where living in a world of Covid has become an accepted reality. The residual impact of these last two and half years has dramatically changed the world of work in profound ways as we witness the dawning of a new age where mental health is no longer an afterthought, but central to the business ethos. Although the past couple of years has wreaked havoc on the business community, one of the great lessons that are continually being discovered is recognizing the true value of mental health as an engine of corporate growth and fundamental in attracting and retaining top talent that is key to shaping a competitive advantage.

Corporate culture has experienced some significant tectonic shifts during the heart of the pandemic, highlighting a convergence between demographic changes, and the role of telework as a standard operating procedure for business practice. The need to have more effective communication and greater openness was magnified by Millennials and Generation Z creating more honest discussions around mental health and their needs within the corporate environment. It was this change that is not only revolutionizing the world of work but highlighting the fact that the role of corporate health and wellness must be essential in the construction of business culture from existing organizations to future startups.

Gary Vaynerchuck, chairman of Vayner X, a media and communications holding company, and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency for Fortune 100 clients wrote that “Especially in the business world, too many people think it’s all about being hard, tough, ambitious, or having grit. Yes, these things are important, but trust me — that’s not where we’re lacking as a collective…I think kindness is a real foundation to why soft skills are so important in life and business.” This comment is certainly spot on and is representative of what the modern-day CEO should be espousing to help navigate their company through the upcoming challenges that will define their business for the 21st Century. Yet, as practitioners from C-suite executives to psychotherapists and executive coaches the next step will be taking these sentiments and actualizing them within the broader themes of daily business practice.


Culture change can often be a slow process, however, in the last few years, there has been a greater acceptance of mental health by companies and an improved understanding of the direct connection between the value of ESG and diversity, equity, and inclusion as a critical touchpoint for business growth. Diversity of thought, Neurodiversity, and other areas of mental health awareness will be paramount in the coming months and years. Organizations must engage in real culture change but participate in the very mechanics that will serve to develop a culture of needs that will inevitably attract and retain employees for both the present and future.


So, what does this new culture change look like? What are the mechanics involved in helping to develop a company where soft skills like kindness, active listening, and communication are at the heart of this human-centered work model? In the next Mindset Matters column, we will peer more deeply into the practitioner’s toolkit and explore new ways to embrace mental health within the fabric of corporate life and illustrate how it can be actualized to embrace inclusion and ultimately make the work environment better. The column will explore how this new culture change is broadening the terminology of accessibility to include mental health as a vital contributor to the new spirit of work and an innovative instrument of change.

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